From GA PTA…
The New Back-to-School Kit is Here!
Visit the Website
The 2014-2015 National PTA Back-to-School Kit is a set of resources to assist PTA leaders as they serve their communities and manage their local units.
- Easy-to-use guides for the president, treasurer, and membership and programs chairs
- Membership, fundraising and marketing tools
- Program and advocacy resources
- Special PTA-member-exclusive offers from our national partners
Registration Overview
Registration is open for local units to register for the Back-to-School Kit.
- Only local unit presidents are eligible to register to receive a kit.*
- Local unit presidents must register online to receive a kit.
- When you register, you will select your preferred shipping address and shipment date: June 23, July 21, August 18 and September 15.
- Register Early! Registration closes September 1.
*NOTE: Councils, regions and districts will receive their kits through their state PTA office.
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