Area 2 is in need of a Council Secretary to fill the vacant position as soon as possible. The secretary would serve through the end of this school year, unless re-elected at the Area 2 Spring Elections. If interested, please email Co-President, Taiwannika Walker, at
The Council Secretary duties are:
• Records the minutes of all Executive Committee, Board of Directors and general Council meetings.
• Keeps an accurate record of the attendance and the minutes at Executive Committee, Board of Directors and general Council meetings.
• Reads or distributes printed copies of the minutes of the previous meeting for approval.
• Keeps a current copy of the bylaws.
• Retains minutes from previous meetings for reference at each meeting. Please refer to Section 4 of the Georgia PTA Leadership Resource for specific information about meetings and minutes.
• Determines the presence of a quorum prior to any business being conducted.
• Calls the meeting to order in the absence of the President and Vice-President(s), unless the bylaws specify otherwise, and presides until a temporary chairperson is elected.
• Is responsible for the correspondence of the Council.
• Keeps a list of Council delegate(s) and alternate(s) for each local unit in membership.
• Keeps an accurate list of the names of the local units in membership.
• Keeps names and addresses of the local unit Presidents and Principals with Council membership, and Superintendent(s) within the Council.
• Assists and trains local unit secretaries with their duties.
• Immediately upon election of new officers and no later than May 1, submits online their names,
addresses and phone numbers to the state PTA office and sends a copy to the District Director.
• Serves as emergency signer on bank account
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