The Clean Air Campaign is calling all Georgia students to help lead the way for cleaner air during its fourth annual Young Lungs at Work art competition. Guided by the theme “Clean Air Heroes,” students are invited to create original artwork that illustrates what they can do to help improve Georgia’s air quality.
Elementary school students – Using the “Clean Air Heroes” theme, create an original comic strip about clean air heroes. Who are they? What do they look like? How can a person be a hero for the air and what are some air-friendly actions that have a positive impact on Georgia’s air quality.
Middle school students – Using the “Clean Air Heroes” theme, create a public service announcement (PSA) video that illustrates how people can be clean air heroes by taking one of the following positive actions: riding a bike, using public transportation, walking, carpooling, combining car trips, or turning off an idling car.
High school students – Using the “Clean Air Heroes” theme, create a positive t-shirt design and/or slogan that can help spread the word about reducing the air pollution that comes from vehicle tailpipes.
Click on each student category below for complete contest details, requirements, and entry form. All entries must be received at The Clean Air Campaign by February 28, 2014. A panel of judges will announce 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place winners along with honorable mentions in early April.
Elementary School Clean Air Heroes Art Competition
Middle School Clean Air Heroes Art Competition
High School Clean Air Heroes Art Competition
If you have questions or need more information see below:
The Clean Air Campaign Website:
The Clean Air Campaign Email:
The Clean Air Campaign Phone: 678.244.7724
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